
Bavarian Birds Photos - August 2003

In this section you will find photos of recent bird reports and archive material. More photos are in the Trip reports and with the Bird ID Game ComputerBirding.
We are especially happy about photos of recent birds reported, mail to spauz@bavarianbirds.de.
Marsh Harrier
Marsh Harrier, Prosselsheim, Lkr. Würzburg,
09.08.2003 (Photo: R. Jahn)
Turtle Dove
Turtle Dove, Starling, Fieldfare, Hettstadt, Lkr. Würzburg,
13.08.2003 (Photo: R. Jahn)
Mediterranean Gull
Mediterranean Gull (in front), Garstädter Seen, Lkr. Schweinfurt,
13.08.2003 (Photo: G. Rothenbucher)
Yellow-legged Gull
Yellow-legged Gull, Grafenrheinfeld, Lkr. Schweinfurt,
30.08.2003 (Photo: G. Rothenbucher)
Little Egret
Little Egret, Ismaninger Speichersee, Lkr. München,
23.08.2003 (Photo: S. Tewinkel)
Little Egret
Little Egret, Ismaninger Speichersee, Lkr. München,
23.08.2003 (Photo: S. Tewinkel)
Shoveler, Ismaninger Speichersee, Lkr. München,
23.08.2003 (Photo: S. Tewinkel)
Grey Partridge
Grey Partridge, Zell a. Main, Lkr. Würzburg,
26.08.2003 (Photo: R. Jahn)
Wheatear, Zell a. Main, Lkr. Würzburg,
27.08.2003 (Photo: R. Jahn)
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper, Chiemsee,
28.08.2003 (Photo: H.-M. Busch)
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper, Chiemsee,
28.08.2003 (Photo: H.-M. Busch)

© Tewinkel; www.bavarianbirds.de