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Birding Vancouver and Vancouver Island

Land of Loons and Loggers

© by Stefan Tewinkel and Brigitte Andrew

Daily Log Species List Home of


click on the mapFrom September 14th til September 28th 1999 we spent our holidays in British Columbia, Canada and especially Vancouver Island. Altogether we had very good weather and I was able to do some birding, although Brigitte is not so much into birds. We spent most of the time on Vancouver Island trying to get an impression of the wildlife there in September.
Vancouver Island is on the same latitude as Bavaria, but the climate seems to be much more rough than in Germany. There were still snow patches from the last winter down to an altitude of about 1000 m. Compared to Europe bird migration especially of waders seemed to be already over, there were fewer shorebirds than I expected.
Bird identification was another problem for us, most of the birds were in eclipse plumage and so it was hard to tell all the different sparrows apart and also the ducks, gulls and some of the passerines were not easy. But it is always hard to cope with bird identification in a foreign country. Nevertheless we managed to identify more than 130 different bird species and also some of the mammals we saw.
I would like to say thank you especially to Hank Vanderpol (whom we accompanied on an early morning trip on the 16th) and Bryan Gates from Victoria, who had a look at some of our photos. Thank you also to Peter H. Barthel, Colin Bartlett, Christopher Schmidt, and all the others who helped preparing this trip by providing books or good tips.
This was NOT our car
What we did, our daily log
Very Common Loon
What we saw, the species list

Links and Literature

Useful bird links to the area:

Books (some others like "Birder's Guide to Vancouver Island" written by Keith Taylor were not available):



Comments, Remarks, Questions, Postcards to the Author:

Dr. Stefan Tewinkel
Brigitte Andrew
Riegerweg 9
D-82024 Taufkirchen

© Tewinkel